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Haloumi & Zucchini Waffles with Gravadlax

haloumi and zucchini waffles with gravadlax



4 (480g total) medium zucchinis, grated

½ C (125ml) buttermilk (or ½ C milk + 1 t vinegar)

1 C wholemeal flour

1 ½ t baking powder

2 eggs, lightly beaten

8 eggs, whole, in shell

½ bunch chives, finely chopped

½ small bunch dill, chopped, plus extra to serve

100g haloumi, coarsely grated

Olive oil spray

1 C Greek yoghurt

1 tbs za’atar (optional)

200g gravadlax, sliced

Green leaves, to serve



  1. Using your hands, squeeze out as much water as possible from the zucchini. Transfer to a bowl with the buttermilk, flour, baking powder, beaten eggs, chives, dill and haloumi, season with salt and pepper and mix until well combined. Preheat a waffle iron to high and spray with a light covering of oil (alternatively, just cook in a frypan like a pancake).
  2. Spoon enough mixture to cover the base of the waffle iron, making sure to spread to the edges. Close the iron and cook for 3-5 minutes until golden brown. Set aside and keep warm. Repeat with remaining mixture.
  3. Cook the whole eggs in a saucepan of boiling water for 6 - 6 ½ minutes for soft boiled. Drain and run under cold running water until cool enough to peel.
  4. Meanwhile, combine the yoghurt and za’atar in a bowl. Divide the waffles among plates and top with the eggs, gravadlax and leaves. Scatter over extra dill and drizzle with za’atar yoghurt to serve.


Serves 4.

Recipe adapted from


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